Monday, 11 July 2011

Welcome + 3 string sweeping lesson for beginners

And it Begins...
Just a quick welcome to FEEDBACK! Guitar blog planning to give you everything from gear reviews/demos, CD reviews, guitar lessons and exercises! So let’s kick things off, a lot of people ask ‘how do you sweep’ so in this first post I bring you, Sweeping in just 2 simple steps with an exercise for beginners Below you will find advice and a simple 3 string exercise to start you off.
  • A lot of people seem to do this when they first attempt this technique. Your pick should glide across the strings in a... (Get ready for this) SWEEPING motion, I urge you to sit with your guitar and just practice gliding down the strings with your pick until you feel comfortable with this motion.
  • Now slowly try the patterns (found below) with the sweeping motion we practiced previously (for those that didn’t I suggest you go back and do it!). Don’t rush into this you want to keep it nice and slow, try practicing to a metronome at around 90 bpm, now this may get boring but believe me it works! Starting of slow will build up control and synchronization between your picking hand and your fretting hand.
So there you have it guys! Keep it nice and slow and don’t rush it! I know it gets boring and what not but rushing it will just cause you to sound really sloppy, get it right and don’t create any dirty habits for yourself! Below you can find downloads for a Guitar Pro File with the sweeping patterns scored then you can alter the tempo once you feel comfortable, you can also find a PDF download for those without guitar pro as well as a Audio File of me playing the patterns at 120bpm.
Until next time!
Mark Weller - (Guitarist for When Antelopes Elope/Producer at Axiom Artist Services)


mutantos said...

this is great guys! cheers

mutantos said...

Hey have a question for ya, the g on the 17th fret is that a hammer on or do i hit that note as the first of the upstroke as i come back? sorry if that is a noob question... but I'm... ahhhh... a noob : )

Feedback! Blog said...

oh sorry must have missed that out on the score, you have either hammer on or pick it normally one your way down then on your way back up, Sorry about that :) Hope it helps.

mutantos said...

Cheers! great work I'm sending your link to my friends!!

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